And after eleven years off the radar, a man resurfaces in Philadelphia, a man who used a computer model and the number pi in the nineties to predict economic turning points with astounding precision: Martin Armstrong predicted the exact date of the October crash in 1987, the demise of the Japanese bull market in 1990, the turning point for the US and European markets in July 1998 and the Nikkei crash in 1989. He was one of the wealthiest Wall Street market analysts and was named economist of the decade and fund manager of the year in 1998. But he refused to play along with the bankers’ game and warned his customers that “the club” was manipulating currency and silver markets.
The bearded eccentric sparked a cult after he uploaded a series of YouTube videos chronicling his discovery of “wilderness folk” hiding in the hedgerows and undergrowth of a remote English wood.
Then, as strangely as he appeared on the scene, Erwin vanished. He hasn’t been heard of for over a year. But a spooky two-minute video uploaded to his YouTube channel seems to promise a return.
John alleges to go backwards in time from 2036 and explains that they had calculated this worldline as being as ‘close to his’ as possible. In the complete John Titor chats, he admits that there were slight differences; books not published, NFL games not won, movies never made, etc. So in order to open your mind to the material, the physics and the information presented, please adjust your narrative regarding ‘time’ and remember that TIME only exists on Earth and it’s a clock on the wall.
Atomic Veterans Were Silenced for 50 Years. Now, They're Talking. No hype, no narration, no music, just the accounts of the people who were there. “It was completely daylight at midnight—brighter than the brightest day you ever saw,” says another.
The Narrative: Workhouses, or poorhouses as they were sometimes called, were institutions that emerged in the 1800s in Europe and the United States as part of the social safety net for the impoverished. Here's an overview of their history and function:
Origins: The concept of the workhouse dates back to the Statute of Cambridge in 1388, which was an attempt to address labor shortages in England following the Black Death. The statute restricted the movement of laborers and ultimately led to the state becoming responsible for the support of the poor.